God has gifted each of us in unique ways. We would love for you to use those gifts to serve the church.
The Communications Team creates graphics, videos, and social media posts that inspire people to follow Jesus and connect with the church. If you love design, photography, or video production, the Communications Team needs your help to tell the stories of what God is doing. Time commitment and expectations will vary by role.
The Salt Kids Team creates a fun environment to help our youngest ones discover who Jesus is and how to share God’s love with others by engaging every child with the truth of the Bible. From helping with check-in, holding babies, and teaching lessons, there are many opportunities to serve within Salt Kids. Volunteers serve every other week.
We want to create a culture of engaging with and loving our community well. One way we have been privileged to build relationships to strengthen and love the community of Gainesville is by serving in the schools. Our current school we are partnering with is Idylwild, which is an elementary school. This opportunity has grown from one-time serving opportunities to weekly/bi-weekly/monthly regularly scheduled needs. We are currently utilizing small-group (3-4 students) mentoring and supplemental attention as well as the Positive Behavior Store where volunteers meet with classrooms to help students select rewards for their earned credits. We are consistently growing and developing new opportunities with this community partner and welcome your participation!
The Tech Team serves behind the scenes to make every environment come alive. From operating the camera or advancing the slides during worship, to running the sound board and lighting system, there are many opportunities to serve on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. Volunteers serve a few times per month.
At Salt Church we long to create an atmosphere of passionate worship for our Savior and King. Worship Team members will be "Lead Worshipers" from the front with the singular goal of glorifying God and engaging His people to worship. Serving on the Worship Team means bringing a high level of excellence, committed walk with Jesus and weekly involvement in a connection group. Auditions are held each semester for all those interested in serving. Volunteers serve a few times per month.